Dear subscribers,
Last month we launched the first issue of The Side View Journal. The journal features 108 pages of material by 11 different authors writing on phenomenology, psychology, mindfulness, contemplative practice, philosophy, complexity science, and more.
To introduce the issue, and to give some insight into the philosophical vision behind the project as a whole, I also penned an essay on TSV’s key inspirations and influences. I’m happy to report the essay is now available online in a stand-alone format for your reading interest here.
While we strive to make all our content available for free online, your ongoing support as readers and listeners goes a long way towards enabling our work. You can support us in a number of ways, including by buying a copy of the journal, making a one-time donation through PayPal, or by becoming a monthly Patreon subscriber.
We thank you for your support!
Best wishes,
Adam Robbert